Our Purpose
Section 1: The Alliance shall act as a liaison between member clubs and all bodies of local, county, state and federal government in the matters affecting the sport ATV/UTV.
Section 2: The Alliance shall encourage cooperation between the various clubs represented in all activities that will promote the activity of ATV/UTVing.
Section 3: The Alliance shall develop an understanding of the issues affecting the sport of ATV/UTVing and communicate information so the image of ATV/UTV usage will be enhanced. This support should include but not be limited to educational programs, landowner relations, legislative review, trail development and safety.
To view the Vilas County ATV/UTV Alliance by-laws in full, please select ALLIANCE BY-LAWS below.
Alliance Meetings
The Vilas County ATV/UTV Alliance meets 2 times per year in April and October. To review the minutes from the latest Alliance meeting, please select MEETING MINUTES below.